Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Strasbourg 4 - leaving town

We left Strasbourg heading due east, crossing again the German border.  As with most border crossings on our trips, we try to document them with photos, which is often challenging (see photos from Alabama and Mississippi borders last year).  It took us a while to find a place to pull off along the Rhine, then some time to get the photo right.  After all that, we continued east, only to find out that we had not crossed the Rhine yet and were still in France!  So, imagine the photos below are of the Rhine and not a tributary.  We weren't about to stop again.
Attempt #1.  Almost dropped the camera.  That little thing you see sticking up to the right of Maddy's head is Strasbourg Cathedral.
Attempt #2.  That's better.
Attempt #3.  Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien.

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