Saturday, July 22, 2017

Stopping through Augsberg 3

One more on Augsberg!  We were only there 3 hours but it was a good 3 hours.  I'm not sure you'd spend a night there, but the time we spent was good.  We went up to the top of the tower, from which you can get a killer view.  The little market square was marketing away.

Two cool cats in the town square.

The town square from the tower.

Maddy in said tower, with bells above.

List of tunes played by said bells on the various hours.  We were sorry not to be there for one of those!

Pole in the market square.  You seem to find these everywhere in Bavaria.

Close-up of plaques on pole in market square.  You have the Backwaren (bread), Fleisch/Wild (meat), Gemuse (veggies), and Fische (figure it out).

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