Thursday, July 27, 2017

Coming home - final thoughts

Early this morning, I jogged out to the little stone bridge in the Japanisches Teehaus in the Englischen Garten, my perfect spot to do yoga in Munich.  I thought about the trip a little, but mostly about all that has gone on this year.  I've taken my lumps physically.  I broke my leg last July.  I had thyroid surgery in November.  It's clear I'm still struggling with energy levels after the latter.  While the will is there, it feels like I'm moving through some sort of viscous material.  Everything's difficult.  On this trip, I felt signs of this changing.  I had one of those beautiful moments this morning when everything felt good - the ducks were swimming on the water around me, the wind was whistling through the trees, and things seemed to be flowing pretty well.  I have Maddy, Delia and everybody else in my life.  Everything's transient.  Enjoy it while you can.

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