Monday, July 24, 2017

Heidelberg 3 - Kiss Me Kate

The second night in Heidelberg, we went up to the castle to see the musical "Kiss Me Kate" in German, in the castle courtyard.  Not really knowing what to expect, we got up there with rain spitting down intermittently.  Each time they took covers off things, it rained.  They were nothing if not persistent, though, and the sky eventually cleared.

The show was fantastic, even for somebody (me) who understood very little.  The basic story was pretty straightforward (guy sends love letter to another woman for various reasons, then tries to get it back before the right/wrong woman reads it (unsuccessfully)).  Maddy got an amazing amoutn of the subtlety.  There was some amazingly tight dancing, especially for "Ist viel zu heiss" (It's too darn hot).  The setting was unbelievable.  A highlight of the trip.

Shot from the castle before the show.

The stage before the show.
At intermission.
One of them goofy panoramas.

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